Juniper Networks' JNCIE-SP Certification Self-Study Bundle is a hands-on guide to validate your skills needed to pass the official JNCIE-SP lab exam. The guide is based on the official JNCIE-SP exam blueprint. Each chapter covers several technologies with expert-level configuration tasks and detailed answers. The guide contains two full practice exams to simulate a real JNCIE-SP lab exam. This guide is targeted at service provider professional certified engineers who are studying for the expert-level certification and need extra help preparing for the exam. You will also be provided with complimentary access to private exam preparation sessions led by subject-matter experts to help you with your learning and guide you to achieve JNCIE certification.

Purchase Includes: 366 Days of Access
Certification Track: Service Provider Routing & Switching
Difficulty Level: Expert
Additional Details
  • Access to the course eBook which contains technology-specific lessons and exercises and two JNCIE-SP practice exams (Super Labs)
  • Five years of eBook access through the eVantage online reader and perpetually if downloaded to a BookShelf application
  • One year of lab access, maximum of 50 reservations, maximum of 10 hours per reservation, default reservation is 4 hours
  • Complimentary access to private exam preparation sessions led by subject-matter experts. Each session will cover one-third of the content within the Self-Study Bundle. You can enroll into these sessions as many times as needed during your subscription validity. We recommend enrolling into the session at least one week in advance to secure your seat in a timely manner. A candidate will not be able to register or take part in these sessions after the package subscription period has expired. Schedule and availability of the exam preparation sessions may be subject to change.
  • See complete terms & conditions.
  • Contact Education Services Sales: AMER Sales | APAC Sales | EMEA Sales
  • Need Support? Please contact us
Course Modules
How to use this Self-Study Bundle
STEP 1 - Access the Self-Study Course Material (eBook):
  • Expand the "Access eBook" section below and click the "Request eBook" button. An eBook license code will be generated with instructions to redeem through the Gimore Global eVantage Platform. If this is your first time using eVantage, you will need to create a new user account; otherwise, log in using your existing eVantage credentials. Once your code is redeemed, your JNCIE workbook will appear on your eVantage bookshelf. Click HERE to learn more about using eVantage.
  • You will also receive a confirmation email from Gilmore Global containing your eBook access details.
  • When you launch "Module 1: Student Guide and Lab Workbook" the Gilmore Global eVantage platform will open in a new window. Log in, and open your eBook.
STEP 2 - Initializing and Accessing the Virtual Lab Environment:
  • Expand the "Access Lab Environment" section below and click the "Enable Lab Access" button. A specific username and password will be generated a displayed for accessing the lab environment. The JNCIE lab environments are quite complex and can take up to 90 minutes for initial setup. Please plan accordingly.
  • If this is your first time using the lab environment, please View a Quick Lab Tutorial.
  • Navigate to and log in with the lab access "Username" and "Password" provided.

If you have any technical problems with the course modules or the lab environment please open a ticket.
If you require support with your eBook or the Gilmore Global eVantage Platform please use this link

Module 1: Student Guide and Lab Workbook
Click the module title to open a new window to the eVantage platform.
  • Log in using your eVantage username and password to redeem your license code and view your course materials.
5 Days
$600 USD