The complimentary private exam preparation sessions, led by subject-matter experts, are designed to help you with your learning and guide you to achieve JNCIE certification. These sessions are for Professional-level certified engineers who are preparing for their Expert-level certification. These sessions will allow you to ask any questions you have about the contents of the JNCIE Self-Study Bundle or your exam preparation experience in general.

Certification Track: Enterprise Routing & Switching OR Security OR Service Provider Routing & Switching
Difficulty Level: Expert

Additional Details

  • Complimentary access to private exam preparation sessions led by subject-matter experts.
  • These two-hour sessions will be conducted once a month. Each session will cover one-third content of the Self-Study Bundle.
  • In a total of three sessions, you should be able to cover the entire content of a specific self-study bundle.
  • You can enroll into these sessions as many times as needed.
  • Do enroll into the session at least one week in advance to secure your seat in a timely manner.
  • Schedule and availability of the exam preparation sessions may be subject to change.
Click on a date below to register. Please contact us if you wish to schedule a private training event.
Date  Subject Region Location Facilitator Language Status
Oct 8, 2024 1:30 PM PST JNCIE-SP Exam Prep Session Americas (AMER) AMER Online Juniper Networks English Open
Oct 15, 2024 1:30 PM PST JNCIE-ENT Exam Prep Session Americas (AMER) AMER Online Juniper Networks English Open
Nov 7, 2024 1:30 PM PST JNCIE-SP Exam Prep Session Americas (AMER) AMER Online Juniper Networks English Open
Nov 14, 2024 1:30 PM PST JNCIE-ENT Exam Prep Session Americas (AMER) AMER Online Juniper Networks English Open
Dec 3, 2024 1:30 PM PST JNCIE-SP Exam Prep Session Americas (AMER) AMER Online Juniper Networks English Open
Dec 12, 2024 1:30 PM PST JNCIE-ENT Exam Prep Session Americas (AMER) AMER Online Juniper Networks English Open