This 45-minute course explains how the practice of using artificial intelligence and machine learning can optimize network operations by analyzing operational data and predicting issues. AI Ops revolutionizes networking by automating network management, improving performance, and predicting failures. This course illustrates how you can consider AI Ops as a new member of your network operations team. AI Ops learns from data and performs routine tasks autonomously, freeing up your network engineers for more strategic initiatives. It provides insights and recommendations for decision-making and problem resolution. To implement AI Ops effectively, organizations need a robust data infrastructure, specialized machine learning algorithms, and upskilled IT professionals. Embracing these fundamentals can enhance operational efficiency and give a competitive advantage in managing your network infrastructure.
Topics covered in this course
  • What is AI Ops and how does it revolutionize networking management
  • The impact of AI to modern networks
  • AI Ops and natural language processing
  • AI Ops as a new member to your network operations team
  • Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence for business leaders
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Certification Track: Mist AI
Difficulty Level: Foundational
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